Frieze London to debut makeover with ‘artist-centred’ curated sections

Frieze London returns for its 21st edition later this week with a new floor plan designed by A Studio Between. The reconfigured layout and entrance give a greater prominence to the fair’s curated sections. These include Artist-to-Artist, which returns for a second year running, this time around with six solo presentations chosen by other artists. This year they will be selected by Hurvin Anderson, Lubaina Himid, Rashid Johnson, Glenn Ligon, Zineb Sedira and Yinka Shonibare.

This year’s themed section, Smoke, organised by Pablo José Ramírez (curator at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles), will present ceramic works that explore diasporic and indigenous histories. The new layout will also benefit Focus, the section for newer galleries that have been around for less than a decade. It is presented in collaboration with the fashion brand Stone Island, whose bursaries, alongside Frieze’s existing support, will help young galleries to participate in the fair.

Meanwhile, Frieze Masters will also see a new “artist-centred” curatorial approach and a new layout designed by architect Annabelle Selldorf.

• Frieze London and Frieze Masters, Regent’s Park, 9-13 October